ZHVR group: VR research, design and production

Im-Arch will host Helmut Kinzler, Senior Associate and Head of ZH VR Group and Josè Pareja Gomes, senior designer and CTO of ZH VR Group.

They will show the work produced by the Zaha Hadid VR group over the past 4 years utilising VR as a medium for design, art, immersive presentations and research within the architectural practice.

ZHVR Group’s main research and work is directed towards the understanding of digital presence and immersion within architecture; forming the new interfaces between interlocutors involved in architectural design, decision making and production process and questioning the implications of the Virtual Reality environment towards space and aesthetics, economy and the tradition of the discipline.


ZHVR Group VR Showreel: Zaha Hadid Evolution Exhibition

One of the most representative VR Experiences produced by Zaha Hadid Virtual Reality Group is the Serpentine Sackler Gallery exhibition.

The Virtual Reality show is presented with four specially commissioned virtual reality 360° videos, exploring Hadid’s unrealised projects alongside an online exhibition of her paintings and drawings.

The four online special videos’ sections named as The Great Utopia 1992-93, The World (89 Degrees), 1983, The Story Behind Leicester Square 1990 and The Peak 1982-83.

”The four 360 degree films translate some of the key aspects and DNA contained inside the paintings, offering a dynamic and immersive experience of the paintings on display in the exhibition.”